Membership Benefits

UNICO Mission Statement

To promote and enhance the image of Italian Americans; for members to be of service to the community; to promote, support and assist charitable, scientific, cultural, educational, and literary projects; to promote members and interest in public welfare and to cooperate with others in civic, social, and cultural development.

UNICO Prayer

Bless us, Oh Lord, our Heavenly Father.
Bless this food which we are about to partake through thy grace!
Bless this meeting and the work in which we are engaged!
Bless UNICO and all those who contribute to its cause!
Make us, Oh Lord,
Strong in our Unity,
Content in our love for our Neighbor,
Honest in our Integrity,
Unselfish in our Charity, and
Grateful for the Opportunity to serve.
We ask it in Thy Name
– Amen

UNICO Membership OATH

I (name) having been voted membership in the West Essex Chapter of UNICO National, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially perform duties required of all members and will do my best to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of UNICO National as they are now in force,and which may hereafter be enacted and promulgated. So help me God.

UNICO’s Five Pillars

U – Unity
N – Neighborliness
I – Integrity
C – Charity
O – Opportunity